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The Dialogue Tree extension

The Dialogue Tree extension can be used to quickly create a dynamic dialogue tree behaviour. It comes with actions, conditions and expressions that make it extremely easy to set such a system with text scrolling, animated avatars and conditional dialogues. The example demo project does that in only 16 events.

If you want to make a game that is heavy on the story - be it an RPG, a Visual Novel or something else altogether, this extension will help you get there very fast and let you focus on your story.

GDevelop not only provides the extension but it also gets bundled with a popular story editor called YARN to author the data the extension uses.

Yarn has been battle-tested on a number of commercial and indie games. If you come from Ren'Py, RPG Maker, AGS or some other engine focused on story-heavy games, you will feel right at home with GDevelop. Just keep reading ;)

Getting started

Yarn uses a special JSON file format to store its dialogue data. To create or edit an existing yarn JSON file, you need to first add an action to the event sheet in GD that requires it. That action is called "Load dialogue data from JSON file". Under the resource dropdown - regardless if you have any JSON resources yet - you will find a little brush button, which will let you open yarn and create/edit one.

About Yarn: the anatomy of interactive story syntax

The Dialogue Tree extension is built on top of a javascript library called bondagejs. Yarn and that library follow a syntax that is similar to twine.

It has a very easy to learn, but also very powerful syntax which can be used to create complex story events based on user choices or other events the user has visited.

Yarn Dialogue syntax is designed to be accessible to writers who have little or no programming knowledge. It makes no assumptions about how your game presents dialogue to the player, or about how the player chooses their responses.

Yarn files are built of nodes - those little square notes that are connected by arrows between them. When you have a bunch of them linked with arrows - that forms a dialogue tree. We refer to each node of that tree as a branch. You can have more than one tree in a single file and for example have the dialogues of an entire village worth of NPCs laid down in front of you, with each villager being one of the trees. To edit a node in Yarn, you just double click on it. To close and save it, just click outside of its editor area.

When you edit a node, you are writing in Yarn syntax. Writing stories in Yarn is just like writing dialogue, but also sprinkling it with behind the scenes hidden to the player instructions wrapped in special tags. These instructions can be used to drive what happens in the game. Depending on <\> [[wrapping]] tags, there are three types of data that yarn understands - these three types are called "Dialogue line types" in my extension:

1. Text line type

The text is what the user will see displayed when they reach the dialogue branch it is on. If you don't put any special wrappers of the other type around your text - it will remain ordinary text. Yarn will give you a hint when that is not the case by changing its colour.


New lines are interpreted by yarn as logical pauses between two text line types. So whenever you write text on a new line - that is also used to tell the game engine to start printing the text on the new line after the player has pressed a button. Of course that behaviour is entirely optional and depends on how you use the extension. Since it is the most common one, it should be noted that it is there by design.

2. <\> line type

Remember the magic Yarn syntax we mentioned earlier - the words we place between the ordinary text the player reads to make things happen in the game? We call them commands. They are wrapped between << and >>. Anything you place between these two symbols is a <\> that the player will not see, but the Gdevelop will. These messages can be used to trigger events for you. If you are using the extension's built in scrolling logic, these commands will be triggered whenever the text scrolling has reached the <\>.

Commands can also take parameters that the engine can use to decide on how to trigger something. To pass parameters to a command, just type them after the first word which is the command, using spaces like this:

<\> and so on.

An example of that in the demo project is the way the animated avatar is changed:

<\> when the command avatar is triggered, the avatar's sprite object is set to change its animation to the word after it - CommandParameter(0) (ant)


If you are using the extension's built in scrolling functionality, you can insert pauses between text/other commands with the built in <\> command. 1000 in this case is equal to 1 second, but can be anything you choose. <\> will for example pause the text scrolling for half a second, then continue. If you have another command after it, it won't get triggered before that half second is over. So wait can be used to insert pauses between a chain of custom commands too - similar to rpg maker :)

Apart of the commands you can set up for yourself, and the ones built into the extension, yarn's parser library - bondagejs comes with a few very cool built in ones that can be used to store information and use it to conditionally show text to the user. So lets say your player visits a dialogue branch of an item once and has read it. Then having that information, the player starts a conversation with a npc.

This lets you tell Yarn that if the player has seen that item, the npc will say one thing - if not- they will say another thing. The syntax to do it is incredibly simple:

(1) <\> will tell yarn to store your value in $myYarnVariable. You can put that after the player reads that the item has been seen or taken or whatever the story requires.

(2) <\>

blah blah blah


more blah


other blah


  • will tell yarn to check <\<if $myYarnVariable is equal to aValue, if so, blah blah blah will be shown

  • if not, it will check if the <\<elseif... is true, if so more blah will be shown

  • if all fails, the <\> will trigger other blah to happen. The <\> and <\> are optional. Don't forget to close it with the <\>



You found a weird rock <\>


Example at another node tree:

There is a strange well. Peering down, you can only see darkness...


Would you like throw the weird rock you found in the well?

[putRockNode](/yes do it)

[otherNode](/I rather not)


Don't forget that you can put anything inside this <\>...<\> block - be it other commands or dialogue choices leading to other branches.


The dialogue tree extension stores all the $variables the player sets while playing the game and also comes with expressions/actions to get/set them - in case you want to store them when the game is saved by the player and be able to reload them.

3. Option line type

This is the type that creates arrows between the nodes. It is what yarn uses to display to the user what choices they can make. The syntax is as follows:

[[player choice|otherNodeTitle]]

[[another choice|anotherNodeTitle]]

The text of the left side of the | is what the player will see. The text on the right side is what you use to tell yarn the title of the node that the player will be sent to if they take that choice.

You can also do


This will simply tell yarn to continue to that node, without any user input. Useful when nested in an if statement..


Yarn will autocomplete it for you when you start [[, but if you wonder how to write a |, on most english keyboards its shift + \


Please note that as of now node titles can not contain spaces, dashes or any strange characters. Just letters a-Z and numbers 0-9


Avoid using options that contain a link to a non existent node or no link at all. That may cause the extension to crash your game

Gotchas to watch out for: If you try to do conditional options like this:

Ok kids we're gonna go with...
[NotSure](/Actually, I'm not sure yet...)
<<if $robot_head_0_done == 1>>
    [PickRobotMascot0](/Frog Head)

Yarn will send the player to "NotSure" instead of displaying this as two options, even when the if is true. The correct way to do this would be:

Ok kids we're gonna go with...
<<if $robot_head_0_done == 1>>
    [NotSure](/Actually, I'm not sure yet...)
    [PickRobotMascot0](/Frog Head)
    [NotSure](/Actually, I'm not sure yet...)
    [PickBirdMascot0](/Bird Head)

If you want to just send the player to another node (PickRobotMascot0) without displaying any options when the if statement is true, you can do:

Ok kids we're gonna go with...
<<if $robot_head_0_done == 1>>
    [NotSure](/Actually, I'm not sure yet...)
    [PickBirdMascot0](/Bird Head)

Known issues:


If you ever encounter an issue that in its message mentions the file bondage.min.js , it is more than likely that it's an issue with the library. Please report it at the bondagejs git tracker, not gdevelop's

  • I encountered a problem while using Yarn to edit my dialogue - If that happens, unless you have encountered the problem when opening or saving your dialogue - it's likely a bug in Yarn, not Gdevelop.


To report Yarn editor bugs, please use the Yarn bug tracker, where more developers working on Yarn will see it.

  • I encountered a problem with the styling of the text coming from the Dialogue Tree - If that happens, it's likely a bug with another extension. If you are using the BBcode extension, and for example underlined text style does not work or some combination of styles does not work, the problem more than likely lies with the pixi-multistyle-text library that it is using. It is also worth noting that pixi currently does not support text underlining style in general. So while you can see it in Yarn editor, it will not work in your game.


To report pixi-multistyle-text bugs, please use the tracker below:

Setting up the event sheet in GDevelop

The best thing to do to get started really is to open the demo project for the dialogue tree extension. From there on you can build your own functionality on top or even your own extensions. If you look at the event sheet, you will find that the entire logic fits on a single screenshot

The demo does not use the entire capability of the extension and is aiming to provide the functionality in the simplest/quickest way. The extension contains many more actions, conditions and expressions which can be used to build very customisable presentations to the player.

The basic life cycle of a dialogue

  • Load the dialogue tree data at the beginning of the game or the level
  • Set when a dialogue gets triggered - using the "Start Dialogue from branch..." action, and passing as a parameter the name of the node title where it will start from. That is typically the root of a tree. In my example the npc object's dialogueBranch variable is used. That makes it easy to make many npcs and just change that in their properties
  • Tell the game engine how you want the dialogue data to be displayed to the player and used by the engine - for each of the three types
  • Set reusable commands to be triggered by Yarn - such as changing of avatars, playing of sound effects and any other game events to help tell your story.


Open example in GDevelop


All actions, conditions and expressions are listed in the dialogue tree reference page.