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Rectangular movement

Move objects in a rectangular pattern.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: 4ian, VictrisGames, D8H.

Move objects in a rectangular pattern with easing functions from the Tween extension.

It can be used for:

  • Moveable platforms
  • Enemy movement patterns
  • Moving along the border of another object

The platformer example uses this extension (open the project online).

This game shows how to make objects move around the border of another object (open the project online).

This example can be used to test different settings (open the project online).


Learn how to install new extensions by following a step-by-step guide.


Update rectangular movement to follow the border of an object
Update rectangular movement to follow the border of an object. Run once, or every time the center object moves.

Move to the nearest corner of the center object
Move to the nearest corner of the center object.

Rectangular movement

Move objects in a rectangular pattern.

Behavior actions

Bottom bound
Change the bottom bound of the rectangular movement.

Change the direction to clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Change the easing function of the movement.

Horizontal edge duration
Change the time the object takes to go through a horizontal edge (in seconds).

Left bound
Change the left bound of the rectangular movement.

Right bound
Change the right bound of the rectangular movement.

Top bound
Change the top bound of the rectangular movement.

Vertical edge duration
Change the time the object takes to go through a vertical edge (in seconds).

Teleport at a corner
Teleport the object to a corner of the movement rectangle.

Toggle direction
Toggle the direction to clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Behavior conditions

Is moving clockwise
Check if the object is moving clockwise.

Is moving down
Check if the object is moving down.

Is moving left
Check if the object is moving to the left.

Is moving right
Object is moving to the right.

Is moving up
Check if the object is moving up.

Is on bottom
Object is on the bottom side of the rectangle.

Is on left
Object is on the left side of the rectangle.

Is on right
Object is on the right side of the rectangle.

Is on top
Object is on the top side of the rectangle.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.RectangleMovement::Bottom() Return the bottom bound of the movement.
Object.RectangleMovement::Height() Return the rectangle height.
Object.RectangleMovement::HorizontalEdgeDuration() Return the time the object takes to go through a horizontal edge (in seconds).
Object.RectangleMovement::Left() Return the left bound of the movement.
Object.RectangleMovement::LoopDuration() Return the time the object takes to go through the whole rectangle (in seconds).
Object.RectangleMovement::Perimeter() Return the perimeter of the movement rectangle.
Object.RectangleMovement::Right() Return the right bound of the movement.
Object.RectangleMovement::Top() Return the top bound of the movement.
Object.RectangleMovement::VerticalEdgeDuration() Return the time the object takes to go through a vertical edge (in seconds).
Object.RectangleMovement::Width() Return the rectangle width.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Rectangular movement extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.